Nasal Valve Collapse Surgery
Nasal valve collapse is the most commonly missed diagnosis in patients with persistent nasal obstruction. This is especially true in patients who do not see relief from allergy treatment or deviated septum surgery.
The nose is a complicated organ with many structural parts. These parts determine the shape and function of your nose. The patency of the external and internal valves determines the resistance to airflow as you breathe. Dr. Tadros provides nasal valve collapse surgery at the center for
cosmetic surgery in NJ & NYC.
What is Nasal Valve Collapse?
Nasal valve collapse is also known as vestibular stenosis. It refers to the loss of cartilage support that keeps the sidewalls of your nose open during breathing.
The internal and external nasal valves are defined by the lateral nose walls. These sidewalls (the lower and upper lateral cartilages) can be thought of as the roof of a house in relation to the supporting beams (the septum).
The external valve involves the lower third of the nose. It is formed by the alar subunit (the rim of soft tissue surrounding our nostrils). During inhalation, the nasalis muscle expands the external valve and can be tested by flaring your nostrils.
The internal nasal valve involves the middle third of the nose and lies deep within the nose. It is responsible for most of the resistance to airflow in the nose. The angle between the upper lateral cartilage and septum is normally 15 degrees. So even a small decrease in this angle can cause a significant breathing problem.
What Causes Nasal Valve Collapse?
Anything that decreases support to the tip of the nose can lead to nasal valve collapse. The most common cause of collapse is trauma. Most commonly this is from an undetected cartilage fracture of the nose or from prior reduction rhinoplasty surgery.
Aging can also lead to progressive weakness, droopy tip heaviness, and narrowing of the valves. The type of collapse may be fixed or dynamic. Patients with dynamic vestibular stenosis may only notice symptoms during exercise or sleep.
How Can Nasal Valve Collapse Be Treated?
Patients who find some relief from Breathe Right strips should be evaluated for nasal valve collapse. Breathe Right strips stent the sidewalls of the nose in a more open position. This widens the internal nasal valve and decreases resistance during breathing.
Monica Tadros, MD, FACS
Office Location (NY)
911 Park Ave Suite 1C,
New York, NY 10021
(212) 532-4590
Office Location (NJ)
300 Grand Ave #104,
Englewood, NJ 07631
(201) 408-5430
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Working Hours NJ & NY:
Monday: 9AM - 5PM
Tuesday: 9AM - 5PM
Wednesday: 9AM - 5PM
Thursday: 9AM - 8PM
Friday: 9AM - 5PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.