Cheilectomy (BIG TOE ARTHRITIS Surgery)
A Cheilectomy is a procedure to surgically remove painful bone spurs. Bone spurs can be the result of arthritis or the pulling of a tendon or ligament causing reactive bone to form. Bone spurs can sometimes cause painful lesions on your skin which can be especially irritating when wearing certain types of shoes. Less commonly, a bone spur can result after a fracture from the bone healing in a displaced position. The big-toe joint is the most common location a cheilectomy is done and it is generally performed to increase motion at that joint or to remove a painful bony prominence and/or bunion.
All symptoms should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by your podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to exclude any underlying serious condition.
Why You May Need Cheilectomy
It is common for bone spurs to occur around your big toe joint and begin to hinder motion and cause pain. Good range of motion is very important at this joint and imperative to normal gait. Your podiatrist in NYC can remove the bone spurs around the big toe providing relief of pain and return of normal movement at this joint. Your foot doctor will ensure to leave the bone smooth to prevent any later shoe irritation at the site. If deficits in the cartilage are found then your foot doctor in New York may drill small holes in the joint to allow new cartilage to form.
All symptoms, potential procedural/surgical options should always be discussed with your podiatrist of New York City podiatry after a thorough consultation and examination for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
The Surgical Procedure
If you have a painful bone or toe spur condition and have been unsuccessful with conservative treatment,a cheilectomy may be a good option for you. A cheilectomy, performed by your New York foot doctor, is a procedure where the extra bone growth is removed. At Manhattan foot specialist, the cosmetic and functional result is always of high priority. Your NYC podiatrist will keep the cosmetic result in mind during each procedure. Your foot specialist can perform the procedure using cosmetic principles to leave minimal scaring. A sterile bandage is applied after surgery to protect the area during healing..
This procedure is performed at a surgical center. Typically, you receive local anesthesia with IV sedation administered from an anesthesiologist for this outpatient procedure. You typically return home to recuperate following the procedure unless you have an adverse reaction to the anesthesia. Your New York Podiatric doctor and staff will make sure you have the best care and that your recovery is comfortable.