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Questions to Ask Before Hiring A Private Investigator
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Questions to Ask Before Hiring A Private Investigator
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.

Are you in need of a private investigator? Here are some things you may want to know before hiring IIGPI.

1.  Is this a reputable company? 

Yes, IIGPI has been in business over 27 years and have handled over 10,000 cases. We have dealt with all types of cases, and will always take every case professionally and seriously. 

Learn More About Our Firm

2.  Is this company confidential? 

Yes, here at IIGPI we pride ourselves in handling these cases in a discreet manner. We strive in great communication with our clients throughout the case and open up about our skill set in sensitive situations. 

3. Is this company experienced with proper training and personnel?

Yes, IIGPI has been in business over 27 years and have handled over 10,000 cases. Our investigators and staff consist of former law enforcement and experts in the industry. All of our work is performed legally and with highest degree of professionalism. We employ investigator with different skillset and tools to handle each specific case with the necessary expertise required. 

4.  Is this company insured? 

Many states have insurance requirements for licensed investigators. Here at IIGPI we are licensed, bonded, and insured. 


5.  As a client, what are your expectations?

At IIGPI we will discuss your expectations prior to the case. We will plan out a list of goals and what you would like the outcome to be. As a client, you should be well aware of what goals can be reached and what can not be reached before the case actually begins.

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International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
Business details
  • +1 (877) 912-3209
  • 2901 Long Beach Road, Suite 3
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.