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How To Tell When Someone Is Lying - Exclusive with Dan Ribacoff
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International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.

CEO Dan Ribacoff, a private investigator, credibility assessment expert, and polygraph examiner, was asked how to detect lies when the use of the polygraph is not available.

Check out the following article to see Dan's responses on:

1. Why We Lie
2. The Brain and How We Lie
3. Lie Detection in Speech and Conversation

Your brain really goes into ‘rev the engine’ mode when you lie


When you give me the truth, your brain is not working very hard, because it’s accessing information that is already there or not there. When you want to lie, your brain must work harder.
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International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
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Information may not be reliable
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.
Business details
  • +1 (877) 912-3209
  • 2901 Long Beach Road, Suite 3
International Investigative Group is a licensed private investigation company founded in 1990.