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Whether a pony or a dog, a pet is unquestionably the best companion for your child. It's surprising how the bond between the pet and child is unbreakable, based on empathy and pure love.
The book contains rarely seen photos of Einstein, as well as beautifully preserved letters, manuscripts, journals and even equations written in Einstein’s hand.
Acclaimed American Author Michael D. Eastwood is instilling time management in children through his characters, Cowboy Mike and Winston.
The 144-page book, 10 inches by 12 inches, features 98 choice images from Mr. Sherman’s vast inventory of photographs, some of them quite famous. Most of the photos were taken in Atlanta.
A children's book author blames ancient Sumerian King—Gilgamesh a reputed demigod, for historical flooding in the Middle East.
The 144-page book, 10 inches by 12 inches, features 98 choice images from Mr. Sherman’s vast inventory of photographs, some of them quite famous. Copies can be ordered thru his website.
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