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Why your drainage system can get blocked: common causes and solutions?
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Why your drainage system can get blocked: common causes and solutions?
Drainage systems are essential for ensuring that wastewater and sewage are safely and efficiently removed from homes and commercial buildings.

Drainage systems are essential for ensuring that wastewater and sewage are safely and efficiently removed from homes and commercial buildings. However, they can sometimes become blocked, leading to significant inconvenience, unpleasant odors, and even property damage. In this essay, we will explore the common causes of blocked drainage systems and the solutions that a professional plumber Perth can provide.

What are the common causes of drainage issues?

One of the most common causes of blocked drainage systems is the presence of foreign objects that have been inadvertently flushed down the toilet or poured down the sink. These can include items such as wet wipes, sanitary products, cooking fat, and other debris that can accumulate over time and create a blockage. While some of these items may appear to be flushable, they can cause significant damage to the drainage system if not disposed of correctly.

Another cause of blocked drainage systems is the growth of tree roots. This is particularly common in older properties where the drainage system may have deteriorated over time. Tree roots can penetrate the pipes, causing cracks and blockages that prevent wastewater from flowing freely. This can be a challenging problem to address, as it may require excavation and replacement of the damaged pipes with the assistance of blocked drains Perth online.

Structural damage to the drainage system can also cause blockages. This can occur due to poor installation or damage caused by heavy machinery or excavation work. When the pipes are damaged, it can create a blockage that prevents wastewater from flowing freely. It is important to have the drainage system inspected regularly to identify any signs of structural damage and address them promptly.

Another common cause of blocked drainage systems is the build-up of grease and oil in the pipes. This is particularly common in commercial kitchens and restaurants where large quantities of cooking fat are washed down the sink. Over time, this can create a thick layer of grease that can cause a blockage. Regular cleaning of the pipes and the use of grease traps can help prevent this problem.

The slope of the drainage pipes is another important factor that can cause blockages. If the pipes are not sloped correctly, it can prevent wastewater from flowing freely and cause blockages. This can occur due to poor installation or settlement of the soil. A professional plumber Perth can assess the slope of the pipes and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the drainage system is functioning correctly.

Can pipes be hard to be taken care of?

There are several common causes of blocked drainage systems, including foreign objects, tree roots, structural damage, grease build-up, and pipe slope. If you suspect that your drainage system is blocked, it is important to contact a professional plumber Perth as soon as possible. They will be able to identify the cause of the problem and provide the necessary repairs or maintenance to ensure that the drainage system is functioning correctly. By taking a proactive approach to drainage system maintenance, you can avoid the inconvenience and expense of a blocked drain.

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