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If you are deciding to move from Lotus Notes to MS Outlook, then it is essential to import Lotus Notes emails, contacts, and calendars into Outlook PST. These mail clients are usually operated by many business users, but both have special storage formats. Lotus Notes offers the NSF format file for saving data on a local machine and Outlook allows PST format for the same. It is not straight possible to import Lotus Notes messages, contacts, and calendar entries into MS Outlook. Let’s identify concerning the Lotus Notes to Outlook Migration
Causes of Lotus Notes to Outlook migration:
• Outlook takes less space than Lotus Notes.
• MS Outlook is simple to operate and appreciate; any newcomers can easily succeed in the task in MS Outlook.
• The outlook is cost-efficient than Lotus Notes.
• The Outlook is better in mail handling; in Outlook users provide drag emails and tasks directly to Calendar.
• The search option is very convenient for users in Outlook according to date, subject, and the keyword are extremely better than Lotus Notes.
Ways to Migrate Lotus Notes to Outlook:
Lotus Notes to Outlook Migration is insisting on the online world and to full fill this, we are describing migration solutions.
Initially, contain a backup of Lotus Notes (NSF files) before scheduled for the migration. It is to protect the data in case of any failure and any error comes during the migration because the manual method is not fully secure and accurate.
In manual method Lotus Notes to Outlook migration in below phases:
1. Lotus Notes Emails to Outlook Conversion
This Conversion occurs in two major steps to import Lotus notes mail into Outlook.
a) Firstly, Export Lotus Notes emails data in CSV file
b) Now, Import CSV file in Outlook
Follow the below instructions for transfer Lotus Notes NSF to CSV file:
You can follow this:
2. Steps to Migrate Lotus Notes Contacts To Outlook 2010/ 2013
Go through the following procedure to get help to import LOTUS Notes address book to MS Outlook:
a) Run Lotus Notes and Open the File and then, select Export Contact
b) Type Name to that file to be converted and save in CSV format
c) Choose a scheduled option as per your preference and pick the contacts you wish for conversion
d) Preceding, click the “Export” option to make CSV file of Lotus Notes contacts
Now, you can open a file and fix up all empty columns. When the fixing gets ended, follow instructions to import the entire contacts in Outlook:
a) Now, open MS Outlook on your computer and navigate to File and then, choose Open & Export
b) Select an option Import from another file or program and press “Next”
c) Choose Comma Separated Value (CSV) on your system and click on Next
d) Navigate to Browse and locate a specific path where CSV file is loaded
e) Move towards a mailbox and see all contacts and then, hit on Next
f) In the end, choose the Finish button to end up the entire procedure with importing of LOTUS Notes contacts into Outlook application
3. Steps to Export Lotus Notes Calendar to MS Outlook
You can act upon these steps to shift the Lotus Notes calendar into Outlook 2016, 2013, 2010, etc:
a) Run Lotus Notes and then pick the Calendar tab
b) Click on View option then select calendar entries from a directory
c) Select-all entries that you need to shift and click on the File menu and Export.
d) Browse the preferred file address where resultant files are to be saved and click on Save. Then, pick the ICS format.
e) State the file name of the calendar and compel .ics format after characters the exact name.
f) Finally, go for the Export to import calendar from Lotus Notes to Outlook
Next, the .ics file is generated from the Lotus Notes email client. Now, shift this ICS file in MS Outlook. Done this with below steps:
a. Execute Outlook mail client and click on the File menu. Then, select the “Open & Export and Import / Export” option
b. Now, also choose the iCalendar (.ics) option from the specified list and click “Next”
c. Add a precise file in import wizard to the application and hit on the Open.
d. Pick anyone from the listed and then import Lotus Notes contacts, emails, and calendars into Outlook application.
Why Manual methods are not recommended?
o It is a very complex and methodological way of Lotus Notes to Outlook Migration
o This way is not well suitable for beginners
o The chances of data damage due to human error are high.
o Not suitable for large file sizes because the manual way has size restrictions.
o Doesn’t responsible for the complete and accurate migration
The tool for Lotus Notes to Outlook migration proficiently:
Shoviv Lotus Notes to Outlook Converter
To facilitate Lotus Notes to Outlook converter professional solution is a must. Shoviv Lotus Notes to Outlook Converter is a top third-party tool. It comes with numerous improved features which provide the facilities to the users to save NSF files to EML & MSG file without any nominal fault.
Let’s be acquainted with about its features:
• The Software promptly migrates multiple Lotus Notes to Outlook without mortal size bordered
• It permits saving NSF to EML and MSG format without any data modification.
• It can smoothly perform with all IBM Domino Server, Lotus Notes, MS Outlook, and Windows O.S versions
• Preview and Folder mapping both options are provided
• The GUI is very user-friendly built-in this software any newer can easily perform the task.
• It comes with a handy Email translation feature while migrating the NSF file (Lotus Notes mailboxes) into the Outlook PST file.
Shoviv Lotus Notes to Outlook Converter is available in a free demo version which allows you to appraise the features of Lotus Notes to Outlook converter at a rough level. It permits the conversion of the earliest 50 items per folder without having any restrictions.