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Mr. Khaled Al Badie and His Al Badie Group Ties Up with Aspen Medical
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The Al Badie Group (ABG), managed by CEO Mr. Khaled Al Badie, is collaborating with global healthcare services provider Aspen Medical for a Humanitarian Mission in Mosul, Iraq.

Dubai, Abu Dhabi, (July 08, 2018) - Aspen Medical is a global healthcare services provider that helps both remote and rural communities in offering responses to critical situations and emergencies. ABG (Al Badie Group) has tied up with Aspen Medical to launch a project intended to help people in Mosul, Iraq and open up Trauma Centers.

As the CEO of ABG, Mr. Khaled Al Badie, puts it, it is part of the corporate responsibilities of his group to help beneficiaries and the association goes beyond simple trade and business. The group’s association with Aspen Medical has already been instrumental in setting up the first trauma field hospital consisting of 48 beds in Upper Althea, Mosul on March 24, 2018.

The success of the center helped in opening up another facility in Hamam Al Alil in the city of Mosul on April 23, 2018. The two centers comprise of maternal facilities and serve patients suffering from various injuries and war traumas. Patients are saved a long journey of 4 hours to the closest hospital that is located in Arbil. This has helped in lowering the mortality rate of patients to less than 4%.

Mr. Khaled congratulates all the people who have been part of the mission of Aspen Medical in Iraq and instrumental in its success.

About Mr. Khaled Al Badie:
Mr. Khaled Mohammed Bin Juan Al Badie is the son of Mr. Mohammed Jouan Al Badie, Director of Al Ain Ahlia Insurance Company, and the CEO and Vice President of ABG.

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