ROCKLAND NEUROLOGICAL ASSOCIATES is a private medical practice in which the physicians and the office staff are committed to excellence in patient health care.
Our doctors are affiliated with Nyack Hospital and maintain 24 hour emergency coverage there. We provide diagnosis and treatment for many neurological conditions using the latest innovations, including the following:
Botox injection therapy, Trigger point injection therapy, Multiple Sclerosis Infusion Treatments, Vestibular Testing and Rehabilitation Treatments, Transcranial Doppler (ultrasound of the intracranial arteries), Sleep Studies, 48-hour Ambulatory Epilepsy Monitoring, Electric Diagnostic Testing (EMG and EEG).
Please bookmark this page as your home base for neurology information. All other pages of our website can be accessed on the left side navigation bar. We hope you find this information helpful in your health and medical care decisions. Please contact us with any questions or for an appointment.