China Acupuncture has been serving the Manhattan area of New York for many years. Acupuncture can help relieve stress and pain concentrated in specific areas and provide energy within the body. We are well trained and qualified to perform these procedures and would be glad to answer any questions you may have. We are renowned for our customer satisfaction. Call our office today to speak with one of our friendly staff members and set up an appointment.
As medical technology continues to advance, people are living much longer than they did a few decades ago. While this phenomenon is amazing, it also requires that people take many prescriptions to accomplish this longevity. To combat the aches, pains, and illnesses that occur as a result of aging, medication is usually essential for one to lead a normal lifestyle. Acupuncture has been shown to relieve chronic back pain, depression, and nausea from chemotherapy, as well as other common aches and pains throughout the body. Just imagine living your life without pain and prescriptions. At China Acupuncture, healing you is our main priority. We combine the methods of traditional Chinese medicine and modern technology to help you recover from your ailments without invasive medications or surgeries.
With our extensive knowledge and experience in acupuncture, you can know without a doubt that you are in safe hands. To schedule a consultation, contact us at (212) 941-1926 today!
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