At Fairway Physical Therapy, we specialize in relieving hard-to-treat pain. We're the only facility in the Northeast with a physical therapist certified and trained in Augmented Soft Tissue Mobilization (ASTM Advantage-EDGE). ASTM AdvantEDGE is successful where other treatments have failed. Not only does our program relieve pain and greatly improve the patient's range of motion, it's also more convenient than traditional physical therapy techniques. Patients can:
Experience success where other forms of treatment have failed
Stay on the job throughout the treatment process
Minimize the need for splints or braces
Prevent the need for surgery
Significantly decrease the pain after the first treatment
More safely perform the specific demands of their work, athletic or recreational activities
If surgery becomes necessary or you've already had surgery, ASTM AdvantEDGE can increase range of motion, minimize pain and promote faster healing following the surgery