We are a lively, open-hearted, Open and Affirming, multi-cultural, multi-racial congregation of the United Church of Christ. Our worship services are alive with praise, celebration, and meditative moments, weaving together creative sermons, dramas, clown skits, children’s messages, praise band, and classical and contemporary choral music.
We feel called by God to create deep Christlike community that is built upon Jesus’ principles of unconditional love and equality, bearing one another’s burdens, and seeing treasure in each person as Christ did. As a congregation with varied political and theological views, we’ve grown strong by humbly learning from each other, hearing God’s voice through each person. We place a high priority on the spiritual education of our children, youth and adults through our Sunday school, small groups, Bible Studies, retreats, and hands-on mission projects.
We are male and female, young and old, married, single, gay, straight, civilian and military, all working together to continue the work Christ began. We are Emmanuel Congregational Church, UCC, and we look forward to welcoming you as part of our family in Christ!