University of Rochester Biomedical Engineering and Optics Building
Parrone Engineering was commissioned to provide engineering and land surveying services for the five-story, 92,000 square foot Biomedical Engineering and Optics Building.
Rochester Institute of Technology College of Applied Science and Technology (CAST) Engineering Technology Building
The Rochester Institute of Technology is one of the largest private universities in the country.
Marcellus Central School District Athletic Facilities
The Marcellus Central School District saw an increased demand for the use of the District’s athletic playing fields and facilities.
On Campus Housing
Monroe Community College Association On-Campus Student Housing
Monroe Community College expressed a need to develop on-campus student housing on its Brighton campus to accommodate the increasing number of students enrolled from outside the area.
Senior Living
Cherry Ridge: A St. Ann’s Senior Living Community - Town of Webster
Parrone Engineering was commissioned as the site civil engineer for design and construction improvements for a new senior living community. Read more...
Parrone Engineering Is Recognized For Its Business Ethics
Meet the Parrone Team
Our principals form the professional backbone of Parrone Engineering, providing skilled hands on the tiller and alert eyes on our future. Read More>>
We are civil and environmental engineers, landscape architects, land surveyors and traffic engineers. But more than anything else, the professionals at Parrone Engineering are the stewards of our children’s future. Our solemn responsibility to eliminate risk extends far beyond the traditional boundaries of engineering and project management.
The most significant peril we seek to avoid is the risk of creating an environment for our children and our children’s children that does not respect, maintain or enhance the immediate world around us. Like medical practitioners, we vow to do no harm, and whenever possible, we seek to rectify environmental harms that have been committed by others. Doing it right, and doing what’s right are the cornerstones of our success.
Where Have The Boomers Gone?
Over the next few years, 77 million baby boomers will be leaving the workforce. As a result, this group of people will require more services in order to maintain their quality of life. Edward G. Parrone, P.E., President and CEO of Parrone Engineering, believes that there will be a huge growth in adult senior living and healthcare in the United States through 2020, and that this market will be a major economic driving force for the American economy.
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