Plan-1- Lawn and Islands
Plan-2- Trees and Shrubs
Plan-3- Vegetable Garden
Plan-4- Trees & Evergreens
Plan-5- Deck - Patio & Plants
Plan-6- New Lawn & Planting
IDP- 1- Perennial Design
IDP- 2- Wall Stone Design
IDP- 3- Kidney Stone Design
IDP- 4- Burgandy Stone
IDP- 5- Raised Island
IDP- 6- Belgium Block Island
RRT- 1- Tie Walls- Northport
RRT- 2- Tie Walls- Northport
RRT- 3- Tie Walls- Huntington
RRT- 4- Tie Walls- Huntington
RRT- 5- Tie Steps- Huntington
RRT- 6- Tie Steps- Huntington
RRT- 7- Tie Steps- Smithtown
RRT- 8- Tie Steps- Huntington
RRT- 9- Tie Steps- Huntington
RRT- 10- Vertical Ties Design
RRT- 11- Vertical Ties Design
Larkfield Flowers Movie
Family Discrimination Movie
Story of My Uncles
MP- 01- Cellar Entrance
MP- 02- Entrance & Drywell
MP- 03- Bluestone Stoop
MP- 04- Bluestone Stoop
MP- 05- Sandstone Stoop
MP- 06- Cement Pool Patio
MP- 07- Brick on Sand Patio
MP- 08- Grinnell Stone Patio
MP- 09- Grinnell Stone Patio
MP- 10- Cement Walk
MP- 11- Natural Stone Path
MP- 12- Bluestone Porch
MP- 13- Cement Pool Walks
MP- 14- Unilock Stone Patio
MP- 15- Unilock Stone Patio
MP- 16- Cambridge Walk
DP- 01 RedWood Deck
DP- 02 RedWood Closeup
Sod Lawn - Care Tips
Lawn Fertilizing - Nutrition
Weed Control - Herbicides
Pest Control - Insecticides
Fungus Control - Fungicides
Free Lawn Analysis
SWP- 01- Rainbow Stone
SWP- 02- Blue Stone Wall
SWP- 03- Blue Stone Planter
SWP- 04- Brick Planter Box
SWP- 05- Grinell Stone Wall
SWP- 06- Pennsylvania Stone
SWP- 07- Wall and Plants
SWP- 08- Stone Walls - Plants
SWP- 09- Pennsylvania Stone
SWP- 10- Walls- Bushs- Lawn
Ponds & Waterfalls
E. Northport History
Learn more about our family corporate history:
and product offers.
Bongiorno's Contracting is a family owned and operated full service Landscape Company. Our family has been doing construction for over 30 years on Long Island
Our Team of Designers can plan your project by doing a computer layout. This will enable you to see your property before the project even begins. We will work hard at creating the perfect focal point for your landscape design.
Our Nurserymen and plantsmen monitor temperature and irrigation of all stock in our Nurseries and Greenhouses.We are pleased to offer you a full line of planting material including; perennials, annuals, evergreens and trees.
To learn more about how our company can assist your landscaping needs, or to set up a consultation, contact us at:
Chuck Bongiorno As. Bs. Ms.
East Northport, New York 11731
Business Phone: (631) 368-9086
Cell Phone: (631) 848-3190
View some of this summer's recent projects!
We're known for our distinctive style and custom services, we offer a variety of unique gardens to enhance your landscape.
Hardscapes are of the utmost importance in any Landscape Project. They are used to support plant materials, they define boundaries and can highlight certain areas of the focal point and overall design. We will help you decide which items best accommodate your plan or design. We can tell you where they will go, when they should be constructed and how they should look.
UsHostmaster - Internet Promotions Inc.
Northern Restorations Inc. -- DBA Larkfield Flowers -- DBA Bongiorno's Contracting
240 Elwood Road, East Northport, NY. 11731
For Customer Service or to place an order, You may order by calling us direct Monday thru Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time at 1-631-848-3190
Larkfield Flowers is a Trademark of Northern Restorations Inc.
Please send any comments or suggestions to :
Branches and additional offices:
(631) 368-8123240 Elwood Rd East Northport, NY 11731-2213