We are thankful that you found your way to the website of Long Island Baptist Church. Our hope is that this introduction will inspire you and your family to visit with us one day soon. Here you will find a church built on the solid foundation of the Word of God, for the Bible is our final authority for our faith, doctrine, and practice. And since which Bible you accept makes all the difference in your life for now and eternity, the King James Bible is at the center of all the teaching and preaching you will receive here. We are an independent, Bible-believing congregation who seeks to glorify Jesus Christ, edify the saints, and evangelize lost sinners. God's Word is timeless and it is as practical and applicable today as it has ever been. Come and visit us. Our church family is comprised of spiritual, steady, and separated Christians who love the Lord, the lost, and each other. A warm welcome awaits you at Long Island Baptist and we look forward to making your acquaintance.