We invite you to call our office for an appointment. Our practice specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of individuals with allergic disorders. This means we evaluate patients with a wide range of symptoms: recurring colds; hay fever; asthma; hives; sinus problems; or even food allergies. We see patients of all ages, from newborn to adult. Feel free to call with any questions.
Areas of Specialty
We specialize in treating Children and Adults with all allergic and immunologic problems, including Asthma, Allergies to Animals, Food Allergies, Sinus Problems, and Insect Allergies.
NEW PATIENTS - Please complete and print out the registration papers on the left side of this page under the FORMS CATEGORY, and bring them with you to your appointment.
Branches and additional offices:
(516) 731-574030 Newbridge Rd Ste 101 East Meadow, NY 11554-2150