How to find us
The Fellowship is located at 236 S. Bedford Road (a.k.a. NY Route 172) in Mt. Kisco, New York. We are in Westchester County, which is just north of New York City. You can find us by taking Interstate 684 to Exit 4 (Rte. 172-Mt. Kisco). Then turn toward Mt. Kisco (west) and drive 1 mile. We are on the left. (We also have a map.)
Our services begin at 10:30 on Sunday mornings. They are most often conducted by our Minister, the Rev. Dr. Michael Tino, but we feature services by lay speakers monthly, and from time to time visiting clergy lead our services.
Severe Winter Weather Policy
In the event of severe weather on a Sunday morning that makes travel to the Fellowship hazardous, worship might be canceled. That would appear above by 8:00 am on Sunday morning. If you see this message here, all programs will happen as scheduled.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do people wear to services?
Most people wear casual clothes. Although you will find people wearing a dress or a coat and tie, casual slacks and jeans seem more the rule. We ask only that dress be respectful.
Is there childcare or a Sunday School during the service?
Yes. Most Sundays, the children and adults are together during the first 15 minutes of the service and then the children go to their Religious Exploration classes or to childcare.
Can my child stay with me?
Of course! We frequently have children staying in the adult service. It's up to you. You can also join your child in their classroom.
What are the services like?
Much like most Protestant church services but less formal. We have the usual sermon, hymns, readings and time for meditation or prayer. The choir may sing and an offering will be taken. If there is time at the end, we may have what we call sharing time which is a time for people, if they wish, to share personal experiences or thoughts related to the service. There is also a social time after that where coffee, tea and snacks are served.
How long does a service last?
Generally between an hour and 75 minutes. We gather afterwards for coffee and conversation.
What will I find when I get there?
On Sunday mornings, we have a greeter's table just inside the door. There you can pick up an Order of Service as well as information about our Fellowship and Unitarian Universalism. We ask that visitors sign our guest book there as well. If you have children, our greeters can put you in touch with the Religious Education program.
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