Need a lawyer in Call 914 245 5769 Westchester or Putnam County?
Have you, a friend, or family member, been charged with a crime? Or a DWI? Is the charged person in jail? How do they get out? What might be the outcome of the matter?
Have you lost a loved one? Is a probate or administration proceeding needed? Are taxes due? How do you wind things up?
Do you need a will, or an estate plan? Do your children need a guardian? Are your affairs organized to provide for your family? Could your estate owe taxes or be subject to a lien for nursing home care?
Is there a divorce in your future? Who will pay the bills? Who gets the assets or debts? Who cares for the kids? How long will it all take?
Good questions. And you need answers. But not from just any lawyer, but one who knows the answers because he has real experience in these fields.
That is where I come in. I am RON STOKES, a practicing lawyer for 30 years, principally in criminal law, estates, real estate, and matrimonials.
My office is in Mohegan Lake, New York. That is in northern Westchester County. If your matter is in Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, or southern Dutchess Counties, give me a call. The initial phone consultation is free.
Call 914 245 5769 or email to . The phone will probably be faster. It is more frequently monitored.
Some of the other pages to this website will give you more information about me and also some initial background on the law in a few of the fields mentioned above.
Guardianship Law Attorney, Elder Law Attorney, Probate Lawyer, Will Preparation Lawyer, Asset Management And Protection, Estate Planning Lawyer, Irrevocable Trust, Living Will Lawyer