Increase Your Profits
Over the centuries, the flourish of trumpets has announced important events and successful people. The fanfare can be yours now.
SPEECH-COACH, a comprehensive communications service, works with the philosophy that you have to blow your own horn in order to do your job, practice your skills, run your business, network with others, and all the other person-to-person and company-to-people exchanges of daily life. You might as well do it right!
Effective communication is a discipline which is concerned not only with how you present your thoughts, but how they are received. It is training that goes beyond slick tricks and phrases to put the power of true expression to work for you and to motivate those whom you seek to influence.
I look forward to working with you as a consultant or coach. Because I have had years of training and experience in the theatrical/visual arts, writing, and business marketing, I can be a bridge between your public, personal & professional needs, and the fulfillment of your goals through effective communication.
Lets talk soon. Together we can develop the successful, confident image that you always knew was there!