Our Mission & Vision:
We aim to please our public. We recognize the anxiety that, sometimes, accompanies a first time visit to the dentist. One can feel vulnerable and possibly still be unnerved by a previous experience. It is our quest to make you as welcome and comfortable as possible (candy is available only upon request... yeah right)! Headphones (bring your cd's, mp3 player or listen to FM) are available and other media are being contemplated. We want you relaxed. For those a bit too anxious, a mild conscious sedation could be appropriate. But the doctor will listen and with your help, focus on your wishes and offer alternative treatment options. Smoking cessation, nutritional queries, and most importantly, medical history evaluations are prime concerns for us.
The office is one of the first in Rochester to implement computer technology, thanks to the doctor's brother-in-law, Michael Branker, a former Xerox engineer. We started out with the Xerox 820 in '85 with those big 8" disks and managed patients' files, insurance information and receivables. Currently, we are researching digital radiography and intra-oral cameras. Customization of newsletters, allowing data to be stored in a more paper free environment, and transmission of radiographs (x-rays) digitally. An extra-oral camera is now being used to enhance possible outcomes, especially when it comes to anterior esthetics, such as shade comparisons, crowns (caps), bridges, bleaching and anatomical changes such as receding gingival (gums) or closures and reductions of spaces between teeth.
Your Safety Is Assured:
We live in an age where personal safety is a prime objective. To assure ourselves and our patients, a stringent system of OSHA recommended procedures are religiously implemented and adhered to in the office. Beyond maintaining visual cleanliness, all instruments are meticulously cleaned and sterilized for your protection.
I am proud of our staff... and encourage you to join us at 521 Beahan Road, as we take pride in living up to the high standards of our mission -- to provide quick, friendly, convenient, quality service.
Whether your dental needs are a complete exam and cleaning, a full-mouth restoration, or anything in between, we promise to provide you with exceptional care as we enhance the natural beauty