Free Same Day Delivery from CitiFloral, A Little Shop of Flowers
Your New York City Florist
Calla Lillies Arrangement from $129.50 Vase of Passion from $109.50 Orchid Plants $89.50
Field of Flowers in Vase$119.50
Blooming Gourmet Basket$109.50
Mille Fleur Basket Arrangement$99.50
A Dozen Premium Red Roses$84.50
Bountiful Fruit & Gourmet Basket$89.50
Founded in 1986 on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, we are a top New York City florist, a leading member of FTD and Teleflora. We are an affiliate of Interflora through our membership in FTD.
From our central location in New York City, we offer free flower delivery to a wide variety of New York businesses, individuals, NYC hospitals, NYC funeral homes, NYC hotels, and NYC nursing homes. Our "A Little Shop of Flowers" floral division also provides fast, knowledgeable same-day flower delivery service throughout the New York City metropolitan area, the U.S., Canada and the world.
A Tisket A Tasket, Fruit & Gourmet Baskets, our gift basket division, features delectable fruit and gourmet baskets at reasonable prices which may be delivered in New York City or anywhere else in the U.S. or Canada.
CitiFloral provides some free same day delivery service seven days a week, including Sunday, in New York City and many other locations as part of its policy to provide a high level of customer service. Rush delivery is also available for $15. For an explanation of the availability of and limitations on our free delivery, same day delivery, 7 day delivery, Sunday delivery and rush delivery, click on Flower Delivery Service.
CitiFloral, A Little Shop of Flowers, is located on Manhattan's Upper East Side at 1661 York Avenue (between 87th and 88th Streets), New York City, New York 10128.
Bronx Flowers, Brooklyn Flowers, Queens & Staten Island
New York City, New York, NY 10128
CitiFloral · (888) 884-1555 ·
Plant Shed New York Flowers is a family owned and operated New York City florist and plant shop with the largest selection of flowers and plants in the city.