Orthodontics - Invisalign, T.M.J. Headache, Head and Neck Pain Problems, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Snoring
The information on this website is extensive and is designed to give you in-depth knowledge of who we are and how we think. We truly believe in the necessity and value of our specialty and have shared our thoughts and feelings with you. Click below on areas of interest, or contact us.
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Wouldn't you benefit from a great smile?
Consider a lifetime of benefit to your confidence and self esteem, with the potential to further your career and/or your relationships. We can show you the simplest, quickest, and easiest ways to help you smile with straight beautiful teeth. Many adult corrections can be completed in 6 to 8 months. Some methods don't ever show!
Will there ever be a better time than now to make your dreams come true?
30 School Street - Glen Cove, NY 11542 - (516) 671-3131
959 Brush Hollow Road - Westbury, NY 11590 - (516) 338-6666
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