"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin
Pathfinders CTS, Inc. has been serving the greater upstate New York area since 1991, and in that time has earned a stellar reputation for working with individuals and organizations experiencing transition. Today, we are the only full-service outplacement provider in the greater central New York area that offers professional facilities with fully equipped office space, a job search and business lending library, as well as on-site support from our competent and caring professional staff.
In addition to career transition/outplacement, we now support the full spectrum of needs for the organizational TALENT MANAGEMENT LIFE-CYCLE: Attraction - Assessment - Selection - Engagement - Development - Transition. Expanded offerings include performance coaching, executive / leadership coaching, team and organizational effectiveness, career and leadership related assessment tools, customized cultural and 360/survey systems and Internet-based career centers.
Our coaches/facilitators provide an open, accepting and non-judgmental atmosphere which allows for a "safe" environment in which to learn and practice newly acquired behavioral skills. Our development work is present/future focused: building on the positive strengths, and creating strategies to minimize real or perceived weaknesses. We offer ideas, insights, resources and counsel as needed in a space that promotes respect for self and others, and allows for creative problem solving. We serve as "mirrors," reflecting back an objective view, and we play the "devils advocate" as needed. We express our observations truthfully and respectfully, and inspire our clients to reach their highest potential.