What makes Raiten's a different type of store ? Like most mattress stores, we carry a complete selection of name brand mattresses like Sealy and Ther-a-pedic, but in addition we cater to those customers who need special sizes for antique or other odd mattresses.
Now , when you find grandma's antique bed up in the attic you don't have to throw it away simply because it isn't a standard size.
We make them right here in our factory . We have the ability to make almost any size mattress without breaking your budget.
Our manufacturing expertise better qualifies us to help our customers
make the right purchase in either the custom or commercial line.
We also carry:
Contact Us with any questions and check back periodically. This site is still under construction and will be added to in the near future. But , in the mean time, if you have any questions about any of our items, just contact us.
Lavender Oriental Carpets is a family owned business. We are provinding antique and modern area rugs to our clients around United States. We have a rich collection of quality products to choose from.