The Future's on the Line
Since 1958, Byrnes Message Bureau has been manning after-hours telephones for almost every type of business and professional person. We help mid-Hudson Valley residents in all aspects of their lives: delivering babies and helping expectant moms, caring for sick children, heating homes, building additions, paving and plowing driveways, towing cars, reporting accidents, reaching the veterinarian for sick puppies and kittens, and establishing contact with the right person in times of grief. These are just a few of the ways in which we've touched the lives of many in the Mid Hudson Valley over the years.
Check Out BMB's Order Entry and Inbound Telemarketing
If your business takes telephone orders then you may be interested in BMB's Order Entry Service. BMB can use your database or build one for you!
Since 1991, Chris Craftsman has been providing residents and businesses in Westchester County, Manhattan, Bronx, Queens and Fairfield County, Connecticut with reliable and professionally.
ChannelGrabber builds intuitive, easy to use ecommerce software that helps our customers sell more, through any channel, delight their customers and conquer administration.