Welcome to ATB Staffing Services
ATB Staffing Services has consolidated their Rochester office and Medina office to a new Medina location at 534 Main St, Medina, NY 14103
Stop and see us!
We are a full service employment agency dedicated to providing premier staffing solutions. Whether you are searching for a new job or career change or an employer looking for qualified candidates to fill your open positions ATB, absolutely the best, staffing services is the right choice to fulfill your needs.
Years of experience matching qualified candidates to open positions makes ATB your choice for staffing. You can count on us to secure quality, top-notch employees.
Looking for work or need a career change? ATB will introduce you to many opportunities available in the job market today. We match your skills and talents to help you find employment to meet your needs.
If you would like more information or have general questions regarding our services please call, visit or e-mail us and we will respond to you promptly.
Do you know someone that might be a perfect fit for one of our positions? Be sure to check out our refer a friend program!
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