Thriftway Pharmacy is more than just a specialty pharmacy. At Thriftway, we understand that your health is dependent upon our support, advice, dedication and clinical expertise. Thriftway provides all of this and more. We strive to be a friendly neighborhood drugstore. Our knowledgeable, caring staff will work together to provide a superior pharmacy experience and provide services that help maintain your medication therapy.
help patients understand and adhere to their medication regimen. Education, adherence, support and empowerment are the principle components of the program and will allow patients to take charge of their medication plan. All of our patients are eligible to receive a welcome packet explaining who we are, what we do, and the support we offer. Our patient's prescriptions can be delivered by our polite and courteous drivers directly to homes, offices or other requested locations anywhere in the New York city area.
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Tompkins Insurance Agencies is an independent insurance agency that proudly serves communities in western and central New York and southwestern Pennsylvania.