Welcome, The Solar Caf is the nation's first solar powered caf. Our mission is to enrich our community, the lives of our guests, and our staff.
The Solar Caf is dedicated to the promotion and advocacy of renewable and sustainable living. We offer healthier food and promote a healthy life style. From the way we produce our energy, to the very food we serve, we seek to protect our environment and community in a very sustainable manner. We do this through education, and offering superior quality ingredients, foods, beverages and personnel.
Our staff will deliver an exceptional and rewarding dining experience to every customer, every time.
Whether you are planning a wedding reception, birthday party, or business dinner, we are here to meet all of your needs. The Solar Caf's staff understands the special one-of-a-kind nature of your event and is committed to using all of its resources and talent to ensure that your event will be a success.
For further information, please call us (631) 348-7181 or send us an email.
Branches and additional offices:
(631) 348-71811 First Avenue Brntwd, NY 11717-3123