the preeminent school for Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate in New York!
The home of the USA Headquarters of the Kenkojuku Association;
Did you study Shotokan or a Traditional style? Has it been a while since you were in a Dojo? If so, we are looking for you. Come talk to Sensei about the Welcome Back Special. Open to all former students of any age. So dust off that Gi and re-awaken that spirit that has been restlessly dormant. Get back in the Dojo!
The dojo had very good participation in the t-shirt project with (34) students ordering shirts, many of them being multiple purchases. Additional t-shirts may be ordered if the demand is great enough. Simply let myself, co-captain Dianne OConnell or Sensei know of your interest.
The dojo karate demonstration that took place on May 22nd at the Amityville Heritage Fair in Amityville, NY went very well. We had (10) children & (10) adults performing and (8) adults showing dojo spirit by taking on support roles.
The kata DVD has been filmed and the raw footage is currently in the editing phase. The purpose of the DVD is to refresh your memory of the katas that you learned in the past and possibly to give you a preview of what is to come depending on your rank. The katas covered are Hangetsu, Tekki Shodan, Tekki Nidan, Tekki Sandan, Gojushi Ho, Sochin, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian Godan, Bassai Dai, Untsu, Empi & Nijushi. When editing is complete, (1) copy will be made available for each student wanting one and (1) copy for each couple or family enrolled wanting one. Its possible that there may be a small cost to cover duplication, printing paper, ink and a DVD jacketcost confirmation to follow.
July 25th Special Training on the Beach
The most current Special Training session was held on Robert Moses Beach with the focus being on bo techniques & bo kumite. About (37) people attended between the Amity Harbor, Mt. Kisco & New Jersey schools.
Dojo Student Action Photo
Dojo Students Yearly Group Photo
Sensei expressed interest in possibly starting a tradition whereby every year all students will gather in the dojo to take a group photo and having that photo prominently displayed throughout.
Sensei discussed the possible addition of a Tuesday childrens class for the advanced. The tentative schedule will be from 5:30pm 6:30pm taught by a senior student. Sensei wants to confirm that there is sufficient interest among the children and their parents before making the schedule change official. If this additional Tuesday class gets the green light, the childrens Monday afternoon class will end about 30 minutes later pushing the adults evening class to begin at 6:45pm, ending at 8:00pm.
The dojo is looking into creating a calendar for the 2011 calendar year. One format would be to have a photo depicting a dojo event or some karate related issue for each of the (12) months of the year. Another suggested format, that may cut down on cost, would be to have a single large photo with the months of the year below it on smaller tear-away sheets. Sensei will bring in a sample of what the Mt. Kisco dojo had done in the past and from there, a decision will be made. A form will be made available to indicate your interest in a copy.
We've Moved! Permalink (July 2008)
Our new location is just around the corner, less than 2 miles away.
From the Old Dojo just head South on Broadway and Turn Left at Merrick Rd,
the school is on the right.
Branches and additional offices:
(631) 225-950076 Montauk Hwy Amityville, NY 11701-3868