Winkler, Kurtz, Winkler, & Kuhn, L.L.P. was established in 1987. As a reputable New York personal injury, matrimonial and elder law firm Winkler, Kurtz, Winkler, & Kuhn has continually focused on protecting the rights of our clients in the New York Courts for over 20 years.
Our Law Firm has a primary goal, and that is to diligently respond to the needs of our clients. Our skilled attorneys strive to anticipate problems before they arise, avoiding unnecessary legal fees. At Winkler, Kurtz, Winkler, & Kuhn, our clients are always provided with excellent legal representation.
The Law Office of Ronald D. Weiss, P. C. has concentrated in legally representing residents of Suffolk County and Nassau County, Long Island under Chapters 7, 11 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
There are many individual New York DWI Lawyer and DWI law firms, who offer this service, but few have the credentials and experience, as well as the court record of The Law Office of Paul D. Petrus Jr
350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3601, New York, NY 10118, USA