Thank you for visiting CRM Audiology, PC, a privately owned and operated Audiology practice. Our office features state-of-the-art evaluation equipment and assesments providing a comprehensive array of audiologic and diagnostic services including standard, behavioral and play audiometry, Otoacoustic Emissions, middle ear analysis and Auditory Processing Evaluations. The office is also equipped with the latest hearing aid technology including various levels of digital hearing aids and assistive listening devices. Our office is authorized to dispense the world's top leading hearing aid manufacturers such as Widex, GN Resound, Oticon, Starkey and the cutting edge, Vivatone. All services are provided by Christine Russo-Mayer, Doctor of Audiology.
Our Mission is to provide all of our patients with the highest quality Audiological Healthcare and Hearing Aid Services to improve communication and ultimately quality of life. Your hearing is important to you and that is what makes it important to us.
In addition to Audiological and Hearing Aid Services, our office is located on the premises of Dr. Joseph M. Berstein, Pediatric Otolaryngologist. We are conveniently located right off of I-287 in White Plains with plenty of free parking. Patients of all ages, pediatrics through geriatrics, will enjoy the friendly and nurturing environment we are dedicated to provide. Please come and visit us to see what we can do to help you hear better.
Browse our website to find out more about CRM Audiology, Dr. Christine Russo-Mayer, Dr. Joesph M. Bernstein and various topics such as hearing loss, hearing aids and the latest research and advances in the field of Audiological Healthcare.