Change is happening rapidly, and it is increasingly challenging to find our balance, focus, and positivity. Understand that it is our CHOICE to be inspired or to be disheartened. Choose to be Inspired!
Educate yourself and others - knowledge is powerful
Build support networks of people committed to balancing our distressed earth and unsustainable systems
Find your passion and take action
Allow your strength, vision & commitment to serve as an example for all others. Be the inspiration you seek.
Do U Yoga is on hiatus while founder Kelly Dwyer attends the Johnson School of Management (MBA Sustainable Enterprise) at Cornell University
Expected Graduation May 2011
"Standing on the shoulders of giants, we see more than they, and things at a greater distance, not by virtue of any sharpness of sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size." - Chartres
CinemaKidz is one of the best summer camps in nyc, offering birthday parties for kids, after school programs, and great activities for kids in nyc. We teach children how to make movies in our camps.