Aquamarine is a world leader in the development and manufacture of water management products:
Aquatic Weed & Plant Harvesters
Skimmer Boats for removal of floating trash & debris
Crane Boats with varied attachments
Weed & Trash Transport Barges
Operational Support Equipment:
Shore & Pier Transfer Conveyors
Boat Mobilization Trailers with & without Tilt Decks
Dual Duty Combination Trailer-Conveyors for mobilization and material disposal
Stationary Collection Systems
Special Systems Design & Construction
Mechanical Aquatic Weed Control Offers:
A "Green" solution to pollution
Reversal of unwanted eutrophication
Instant and selective areal weed removal
Clean drinking water and opening of stagnant waterways
Complete rooted biomass removal with the AquaRake
Revitalization of local economies
Reduction of water-borne diseases
Overview of the harvesting system
Trash & Debris Skimmer Boats will:
Keep waterfronts attractive & desirable
Enhance tourism at "downtown" waterfronts & parks
Reduce health risks by removing toxic pollutants
Reduce watercraft damage
Assist in Hydro power clean-up and functioning
Varied attachments such as clam shell, rake, grapple
Environmental spot dredging with crane mounted clam shells
Under weed raking of rooted aquatic vegetation to provide longterm clear water control
Marina maintenance including pier repair, dock installation
Buoy installation & recovery
General recovery operations
Support Equipment Applications:
Transport barges as a production multiplier for any of the above operating boats
Shore & pier conveyors for the most efficient and fastest material transfer from harvesters and skimmer boats into waiting trucks or dumpsters
Trailer & tilt-deck trailers for efficient & safe boat & barge mobilization