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Bestselling Children''s Book Author & Editor
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Bestselling Author, Speaker, Editor, Arts Educator and Lliteracy Advocate.
AddressSag Harbor, NY 11963-
Phone(631) 725-7722
The Very Fairy Princess
A New York Times Bestseller! Do you believe in fairies? Geraldine does... And though her family and friends dont believe her, Gerry knows for certain that she is one. In fact, she is a very fairy princess! From morning to night, Gerry does everything that fairy princesses do: she dresses in royal attire and practices her flying skills, and she is always on the lookout for problems to solve. But it isnt all pink and proper as every real-life fairy princess knows, dirty fingernails and scabby knees are the price you pay for a perfect day! From the bestselling mother-daughter team Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton comes ...

Just Write For Kids
I have terrific news! But first let me ask you a question: *Have you ever dreamed of writing a childrens book? *Do you have an idea for a story but dont know where to start? *Have you written a book, but dont know what the next step should be? *Would you like to join the multi-million dollar childrens book industry, but have no idea how? Perhaps you know me as the author of many best-selling childrens books written in partnership with my mother, Julie Andrews. Im also a writing teacher, Director of the Southampton Childrens Literature Conference, and a freelance editor - as well as being ...

Poetry Can Change the World – Or At Least, How We View the World
Julie Andrews Collection of Poems, Songs & Lullabies My mother and I have always believed that poems, songs, and lullabies have the power to transform into family treasures. Poetry, in particular, is the perfect shared family experience - as a "read-aloud" it can be one of the best ways to introduce young people to the joys of reading. Great poems make children want to read - they give us a vision of beauty and joy in the world, and an awareness of the richness and power of language. We are therefore very excited about our most recent collaboration, a ...

FREE Jumpstart Guide
This guide was written by Emma Walton Hamilton, bestselling author of numerous books including "Raising Bookworms: Get Your Kids Reading for Pleasure and Empowerment". Emma is passionate about helping parents raise children who love to read and her strategies have been proven to work over and over again. Here's what you'll discover inside the FREE Jumpstart Reading Guide... 1. WHY is it so important that we raise our kids to be readers? 2. Emmas 25 Reasons To Read Checklist 3. 5 Key Strategies to Get Your Kids Reading 4. Tips and Resources for Reading with Babies, Toddlers, & Elementary Aged Kids 5. Tips and ...

How can I get my child to turn off the Gameboy (TV, computer etc.) and pick up a book?! This is the question that Emma Walton Hamilton, the best-selling childrens book author, educator, and Editorial Director of the Julie Andrews Collection publishing imprint, hears the most often. Whether on a book tour with her mother and co-author, the legendary actress Julie Andrews, at speaking engagements in schools, libraries and other public arenas, or in casual conversation, this question surfaces again and again, with increasing urgency, from parents, grandparents, educators, librarians and caregivers across the country. In fact, eighty-two percent of parents wish ...

What’s in a Title?

One of my students asked a question this week about coming up with good book titles. It got me thinking. In my view, good titles are: Catchy They play with language, use alliteration, rhyme or rhythm, have a sense of humor,...
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The 3 Little P’s of Picture Books

Writing a good childrens book is hard. Selling one to a publisher is even harder. Getting it bought, and read – by librarians, booksellers, and most of all, kids – is the hardest of all. The best childrens...

Why You MUST Write That Children’s Book

I was recently interviewed for the esteemed blog “Cynsations,” run by the very talented YA author Cynthia Leitich Smith. It was a real honor – Cynthia’s site is among the most respected, and followed,...

Conferences, Festivals, Bookfairs and Other Opportunities for Writers to Eat

Our MFA in Writing and Literature team spent the week in Denver at the annual AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) conference. This got me thinking about the value of conferences to writers, and – a blog post...

The Why’s and How’s of Choosing an Editor

Writing for young people is deceptively difficult. But getting published these days can be a harder task than the writing process. The marketplace has changed dramatically over the past ten years, and the pressure on publishing...

Marketing Mondays #10 – Social Networking 101 for Children’s Book Authors

This topic is WAAAYYY too big for one little blog post (which is why it’s a 101 as opposed to a 500). That said, for those of you who are wondering if social networking applies to children’s book authors, the answer...

Read More of Emmasaries: Raising the Next Generation of Readers & Writers... Blog

Get Free Tips & Strategies on How To Write A Children's Book and Get It Published!

Article In Edible East End
Julie Andrews & Emma Walton Hamilton on Good Morning America in Oct. 09
Motherhood Later Featured Mom June 2009


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