biz2value works with clients to find solutions to value-related problems and adds value to Total Shareholders Return (TSR). Our valuation explanatory services enable business owners and other equity stakeholders to be more strategic when buying or selling a business, preparing an exit plan, or raising the first round of financing for their start-up companies. We work closely with Small to Medium. size companies, Start-Up companies and emerging high-growth companies to give insight and solutions to build a sustainable Business Value by understanding controllable and uncontrollable value drivers including Business Model, Pricing, profitability, Financing & Capital structure and Liquidity. We specialize in the valuation of emerging, high-growth technology companies and small to middle-market closely held private companies across all the sectors. Our valuation professionals are trustedadvisors to our clients and partners. Legal professionals, national audit firms and tax professionals consistently refer their clients to us, confident in our delivery of defensible valuation analyses.