Don’t wait until payday to get the money you need to pay for an emergency. With Tapcheck, you can just use our app and transfer money instantly the day you earn it. For a small transaction fee, employees can transfer a portion or all of that day’s pay to their bank account. Tapcheck has both instant and next-day funding options. It’s a better way to manage your finances, without having to pay the exorbitant fees that payday lending companies charge. If you don’t have a bank account, you can use the Tapcheck rapid! PayCard. It is a free debit card that you can use at millions of locations worldwide. If you find yourself living paycheck to paycheck, or have a large expense like a medical bill to pay, Tapcheck offers you the flexibility that you can’t get with most employers. Say goodbye to waiting until the end of the month to get paid—use Tapcheck and get your earned money right away.