Homeopathic Services is, one of the leading homeopathy platforms for homeopathy treatment for autism, managed by Pierre Fontaine, an RSHom (NA), CCH, licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) in NYC, is devoted to optimizing health and building well communities by treating each patient as a whole, unique person deserving individualized care and support.
We are specialized in Homeopathy for Autism, Homeopathic Remedies and Treatments for Autism Consultations, And Recoveries from Autism services. The goal of HOMEOPATHIC SERVICES is to help everyone understand homeopathy and provide you with the necessary information to see a professional homeopath whether one is in New York, the US, or another part of the world. It might come as a surprise to you that homeopathy is by far the most widely practiced alternative in the world. Western and Eastern Europe have long traditions, India and South America as well. China and Japan have begun programs.