With a discount dental plan, you choose from participating dental providers and get services at a discounted rate, but most people with these plans still pay a large out-of-pocket expense, especially if they need major dental work. With Dentbenefits, members pay a flat monthly fee so they can appropriately budget for this health care expense.
When you have traditional dental insurance, your coverage will depend on your insurance administrator, who acts as a third party between you and your dentist. With copays, deductibles and pre-authorization requirements, getting the right care isn’t always easy.
Dentbenefits has office in Bronx and allows patients to establish a direct relationship with their doctor, without a third party standing between you and your dentist. A lot of our patients say ‘if I knew this option was available, I would have come sooner.’” Want to lower your out-of-pocket dental expenses? Consider joining Dentbenefits.
Dentbenefits offers a 12-month individual contract that gives members access to a whole spectrum of different dental procedures. And there’s no waiting period — from the moment you sign up the plan is effective.