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Search for required Speciality Chemical products and its suppliers, manufacturers or its equivalent brands from the largest database of ChemEqual.
AddressAlbany, New York
Phone+1 (555) 555-1212

ChemEqual, the largest chemical marketplace gives the opportunity to buyer to compare and buy chemicals and equivalents. From Brewery Chemicals, to descaling chemical like Citric Acid Descaler, Sulfamic Acid Descaler or any other organic acids. Serving the Automobile Industry with a chemical for every step. From Coolant Corrosion Inhibitor to coolant additives like Fluoroscent Dye for leak detection. Rodine Acid Inhibitor protects the system from acid corrosion. Drinking Water Chemicals like Reverse Osmosis Chemicals, RO Antiscalant. Various glycol antifreeze starting from Monoethylene Glycol to Diethylene Glycol or Inhibited Ethylene Glycol, ChemEqual serves every industry.


Articles and publications

ChemEqual is an unique Online business directory that features Speciality Chemicals and Equivalents database from Chemical suppliers and manufacturers from all over the world.