Dr. Zhanna Tsukerman, MD is offering Internal Medicine services in her private office. Our facility has expanded to provide full urgent and chronic care diagnosis and treatments. We have diagnostic facility that enables us to provide same day blood tests and electrocardiogram diagnostics, so that our patients do not have to leave the facility to complete a physical examination or medical clearance.
Our practice philosophy is one of “patient first”. You will never wait long time, you will always be heard, and your beliefs and feelings will always be the most important consideration to any treatment plan. Dr. Tsukerman has always believed that attitude is everything when it comes to a patient’s ability to self-heal, and therefore will never attempt to force or coerce a patient into a treatment plan. She feels that it is her job to diagnose not only the problem, but the source of the disease or disorder. Rather than treat the symptoms of the disease, it is her integrated-humanist philosophy to treat the patient, first, and then together attack the source of the issue.