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Gaits of Gold
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Gaited Horses is all we do! Gaited horse training, gaited horse saddles, gaited horse breeds, gaited horse articles, gaited horse chat rooms, gaited
Address2240 Swanson Hill Rd Kennedy, NY 14747-9603
Phone(716) 267-3696
"Offering Humane, Effective Tools & Techniques For Developing Innate Gaits"

It's that time of year again, and we want to make it easy to give and receive gifts from the Gaits of Gold product line-up. I'm most excited about my new book, The Gaited Horse Bible, published by Trafalgar Square Books and shipping by December 20th, just in time for Christmas! This book contains all the information a gaited horse owner needs to wisely choose a horse, understand the horse breed's background and history, fit him for correct tack, train him, and overcome problems that may crop up - and there's so much more!

It's rare that either the Imus Comfort Bit or my Training and Transition Bit ever go on sale, since we usually have a problem maintaining enough supply for the demand - but National Bridle Shop anticipated strong sales this season, and made certain to have plenty of product to meet your holiday needs. We're doing something unprecedented this season by offering both bits on sale. That's right, you can save $10 off the regular price of $69.95 on either, or both, of these bits.

The Imus Training and Transition bit is the ideal choice for starting a young horse, and then transitioning him to a mild curb when his training is ready to advance beyond "green broke." Like the ICB, the mouthpiece offers plenty of tongue relief, independent action from side-to-side, a swivel action that encourages the horse to soften and flex to the rein, and a totally pinch-free design.

The Imus Comfort Bit is for the mature horse, 4 years or older, and is an excellent tool for teaching your horse to give softly to the bridle while rounding up and working off his haunches. This is also the "go to" bit for horses that have been ridden in painful bits, and developed an aversion to giving to the bridle. Here's what one recent customer had to say about the ICB:

I would just like to give you a big compliment on the comfort bit. I was at the Equine Affair in MA and attended the seminars and although I was aware of the comfort bit was not sure it would be exactly what I needed. I came home and worked Foxy in the arena Monday where she was very responsive. I felt all would be fine and the next day I went out on the trail with four friends, all of whom commented on the wonderful change in Foxy. She was more relaxed and stopped throwing her head. Although she was a good ride before, she is even more outstanding now. If I had not been a part of this experience I would not believe changing the bit would make such a difference. Thank you from the bottom of my heart I love my horses and to see them happier and more comfortable as we enjoy the trails together is a great blessing. Shirley Vitthcitto

One of the Master Saddle Builders at CCi Saddle Shop wanted to show me his vision of a hand-tooled version of the Imus 4-Beat(tm) Endurance saddle, and this saddle is the result. What a perfect Christmas gift!

I think you'll agree it is an outstanding example of top-quality artistry and craftsmanship. Because the craftsman wanted to do it as an example of his work, I was able to purchase it at a remarkably reasonable price - and can pass that savings on to one lucky person!

This saddle may be purchased directly from me, and paid for via PayPal, Money Order, or Check. The price on such a fully-tooled saddle would normally run about 2,500, but I'm offering it for $1795 - only $100 over the cost of a standard Imus 4-Beat(tm) saddle. This saddle has all of the features standard on my signature saddle - custom flexible tree bars, Supracor padding between the tree bars and fleece, and in the rider's seat, free-swinging, forward-hung stirrups, and a seat that places the rider in a perfectly balanced "bareback" riding position.

So if you're looking to "Wow!" a special someone this Christmas, call Jake at 1-877-884-2328, and learn how to arrange your purchase.

Read more... [One-of-a-Kind Hand-Tooled Endurance Saddle]

Cool Heat Blanket Helps Maintain Optimum Body Temperature!

A Revolutionary New Blanket! If you're looking for the perfect horse blanket, look no further - this is it! Pilo erection is the process of the hair follicles raising and lowering as needed to assist in the heating & cooling process of the body. Traditional blankets flatten hair follicles. When the horse starts to feel cold or warm it cannot moderate it’s hair follicles. As we know with any muscles inactivity causes atrophy (muscle wastage). “Arrector pili” muscles which are continually flattened with long term blanketing lose their natural ability to regulate the horses’s body temperature & moisture be it rain or sweat. This is critical when it comes to maintaining a healthy temperature. The Cool Heat lifts the blanket 12mm or 1/2” up off the horses body which allows the hair follicles to function as nature intended benefiting the long term health of the horse.

Saddle Dynamics Liberty Equitation [Part 1 Video] [Part 2 Video]
Understanding The Imus Comfort Bit [View Video Part 1] [View Video, Part 2]
Q&A Session [View Video]

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth 10,000 words. Did you know you can access an enormously informative video for free, either here on the Gaits of Gold website, or on National Bridle Shop's Brenda Imus products home page? This video gives a detailed description of all the unique features of the Imus 4-Beat saddle, and clearly shows the numerous benefits of the saddle for both horse and rider. It also shows how the rider's equitation habits positively and negatively affect the horse's manner of going and ability to gait properly. Why not take a few moments to see if you're helping, or hindering, your horse's ability to perform well under saddle? We think you'll be amazed at how clearly the video demonstrates these lessons, and you will come away with a much better understanding of the dynamics of riding a gaited horse!

People are always amazed at how soft and responsive their horse becomes after they begin using the Imus Comfort Bit, and want to know why. I've had my webmaster post a video that explains the mechanics of the bit, and will help take the mystery (but not the magic) out of how it works. Check out "What's the Secret to the Imus Comfort Bit" video here.

We highly encourage those of you who are considering the purchase of an Imus 4-Beat™ Saddle to take advantage of our unique "Help Fit My Horse" service. Many owners believe that if their horse has a large barrel, it requires a wide tree - but this is not the primary consideration when determining correct saddle tree configuration. Some horses that may appear 'standard' to the average eye actually require a tree with angles for a wider topline. Jake and I know how to tell the difference, and can save you a lot of wasted time and effort - and it takes you only a few minutes to avail yourself of this service. We will look at photos of your horse and ask a few key questions and you can be sure of your saddle choice in no time! Here is how it works: Answer a few questions, upload a few photos, and we'll get back to you - usually within the day!

Call or E-mail Jake - the "Answer Man!"
What are Customers Saying about the Imus 4-Beat(tm) saddle?

If you have not visited the #1 Gaited Horse Community Message Forum on the Web, you are totally missing out!

Gaits Of A Horse In A Nutshell
Every saddle gait falls somewhere on the gait spectrum. At one end of the spectrum is the totally... Read more

Determine Which Gait Your Horse is Performing
Now that youve familiarized yourself with the gait spectrum, (you have, havent you?), its time to... Read more

Mining for Gold: Discover your Horse's best Innate Gait
Im often asked if my books or video contain information about training a Missouri Fox Trotter,... Read more

When You're Not Hot to Trot: How to Work with Trotty Horses
It can sometimes be more of a challenge to 'smooth out' the gaits of a horse with a strong trot... Read more

Gaited Horse Saddle Fit
If you were going on a long hike, carrying a heavy backpack, what would you prefer to wear on your... Read more

Conformation as it Relates to Gait
This part of the site will feature conformational analysis of gaited horses. I've prepared these in... Read more

Ten Tips for Finding and Keeping the Gait
1.) Dont expect your young, or new, horse to gait very well right out of the box. Young horses... Read more

Is your Horse's Manner of Gaiting Destroying His Body?
A while ago I was talking with a fellow who owns a gaited horse breeding and showing facility. He... Read more

You Can Collect That Gaited Horse
For the past couple of years there has been a growing controversy in the gaited horse world... Read more

Types and Talents of Various Gaited Horses
I frequently remind people that a horses saddle gait is more dependent upon conformation than upon... Read more

Spring Training for the Gaited Horse
While a horse may seem especially frisky and energetic in the spring, be aware that all that energy... Read more

Bits For The Gaited Horse
There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the best bit to use when starting a young gaited... Read more

Developing Impulsion (Part I)
The most common problem I discover when dealing with gaited horses is their lack of forward... Read more

Developing Impulsion (Part II)
Last month I discussed the importance of developing your horses fast walk with impulsion from... Read more

The horse who is disrespectful is usually one who has not learned to trust its handler with its... Read more

Re-form your Gaited Horse's Hollow Back (Part I)
The poor form in which gaited horses are commonly ridden predestines a high percentage of them to... Read more

Re-form your Gaited Horse's Hollow Back (Part II)
Beginning Exercises for the Hollow Backed HorseMy last aticle outlined steps that can be taken when... Read more

Gaining Control of the Horse that Rushes
One of the most common problems presented to me at a clinic or expo demonstration is that of... Read more

Messageboard Member Post
Dear Gaits of Gold Friends, Following are two message board posts that appeared on our web site ... Read more

Locking Stifle Syndrome in the Gaited Horse: Part I
A common physical affliction among gaited horses is upward fixation of the patella, otherwise known... Read more

Locking Stifle Syndrome in the Gaited Horse Part II
In my last article, Locking Stifle Syndrome in the Gaited Horse, I described the causes and... Read more

A Weighty Subject - by Brenda Imus
Ive had some folks e-mail to tell me that theyve goneto a trainer or clinician who used light... Read more

Re-form your Gaited Horse's Hollow Back (Part III)
Now that youve learned how to do exercises from the ground for your hollow backed horse, and have... Read more

Ten Common Bit Myths
Myth #1: There is no such thing as a harsh bit, but only harsh hands.Myth #2: Any bit can be severe... Read more

Back to Basics (or: Basics of Backs) The greatest frustration for those owners of gaited horses that are clued in to their... Read more

How, and When, Should I Canter (or Trot) My Gaited Horse?
One of the most common questions I hear from gaited horse owners is whether it is all right to ... Read more

How (and Why) to Retrain that Pacey Horse Many gaited horses indeed, it seems the the majority of them will perform a pace or... Read more

How to Determine Saddle Seat Size
The Imus 4-Beat(tm)saddle seats measure smaller from cantle to pommel than they actually... Read more

Does your Saddle Fit your Horse?
Does your gaited horse spook a lot? Do you have a problem with rushing, or is the horse herd... Read more

Ride-N-Tie Trail Bridle
The Ride-N-Tie Trail Bridle is the ultimate must-have haler/bridle combo for the serious pleasure trail rider!
Halter bridle combinations are a great idea, no doubt about it. Who wants to risk taking off their horse's bridle when it's time to stop for a lunch break out on the trail? Let's face it, riding with a bridle over the top of a regular halter just isn't, well. . .pretty. The Ride-N-Tie Trail Bridle solves this problem!


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