Why do children love Hapkido at Iron Dragon?
Maybe it's because it builds their child's self esteem and teaches them to respect themselves and others. Maybe it's because it teaches them to work toward goals, have self control and defend themselves in any situation. Maybe it's because some studies have shown that Martial Arts students have better grades and get into less trouble. . . Maybe it's because our instructors keep their kids interested and involved, while they are learning in a safe, supervised, positive environment. . .
Maybe it's because kids absolutely love it.
Why do adults love Hapkido at Iron Dragon?
HapKiDo is not just another pleasant form of exercise with the added plus of providing a built-in defense against muggers. HapKiDo is a philosophy, which stresses the important link of the physical to the spiritual, the body to the mind. The study of HapKiDo is not just for self-defense but for total character development. A strong mind and a healthy body, melded together, make for an individual with a strong spirit and good character who can cope with life in its total form.
Maybe it is because Adults absolutely love it.
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