NorthEastern Martial Arts Academy...
"Where Personal Attention is the Rule--Not the Exception"
Why is Tae Kwon Do so popular?
Tae Kwon Do training is so popular because no other activity can provide the same positive results, on a personal level, for each individual participant. Whether your goals are self-confidence, self-defense, personal development, fitness, flexibility or to earn a black belt, our school will take you there. From our Junior programs to our martial arts fitness programs, our instructors are dedicated to helping you and your family achieve your individual goals.
In addition to Tae Kwon do we offer Little Ninja's!
1743 State Route 17A - Florida, NY 10921
At Sports, Fitness And Fun Complex
2000-2006 NorthEastern Martial Arts Academy
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A&E Advertising and Web Design Inc.
Whether you are looking for a complete Martial Arts Uniform, Weapons, color belts, training Gear, sparring, training equipment, training or any kind of training instrument related to Martial Arts.