Westminster Presbyterian Church262 State Street • Parking at 85 Chestnut • Albany • New York 12210 • 518.436.8544
We celebrate the Installation of our new Associate Pastor, Frances Wattman Rosenau.
this coming Sunday, November 28, at 4:30 pm. All are welcome to this grand event, and to the reception that will follow. Come and meet Frances.
Earlier in the day, we will observe the first Sunday in Advent in worship at 10:00 am. Pastor Jim Reisner's sermon is based on Isaiah 52:7: "How beautiful upon the mountain are the feet of the messenger who announces peace..."
"Seek the welfare of the city," proclaims the prophet Jeremiah, "for in its welfare you will find your own."
Westminster is a congregation deeply committed to building a community whose purpose is to serve Jesus Christ in the city. We see our location as a unique gift. We are situated a block away from the state capitol of New York; we are located in a diverse and vibrant urban neighborhood.
At a time of polarization in government, media and religion, and when public discourse is increasingly shrill and uncivil, Westminster attempts to be a wide tent under which diverse ideas are not only tolerated, but welcome.
We seek to be of many minds, but one heart.
We are committed to practicing hospitality, and welcoming every person.
If you are seeking
• worship that uplifts and inspires
• Biblically-grounded preaching that speaks to contemporary human need
• excellence in sacred music
• hands-on Mission opportunities that make a difference
• education that opens minds to the wonder of God, and to the challenge of living faithful lives in God’s world
• a caring community of fellow seekers;
then, please come to Westminster and check us out.