Canada Lake Computer Services Inc PO Box 450 - Junction of Rt 10 & Rt 29A
Caroga Lake, NY 12032
Contact us to purchase or renew your AVG licenses
How Old is your Computer in dog Years?
List of Programs Known to slow your computers to a crawl.
General Information:
Customer Support:
Telephone: 518-835-4103
Did your software vendor disappear?
Are you looking for someone to help?
We can help!
CLCS has been helping businesses cope with the ever changing world of computers since 1980. Call or e-mail us today and find out how we can help you.
Canada Lake Computer Services provides support to many businesses that use a variety of systems. We specialize in business computer systems, designing and analyzing your computer needs. We are able to work with equipment that you have and provide new systems that will enhance your productivity.
If you don't have the time to spend trying to figure out why your printer is not printing today or how you install the software update that arrives every time you just get the last one working, we can help.
Yes we do sell computers but mostly we sell services. We keep informed about changes in the industry and help you to keep your systems up to date and running smoothly.
Our office is located in Caroga Lake, NY in the foothills of the Adirondacks. Open 8AM to 2PM Monday - Friday (Emergency numbers are available to customers with critical system needs.)
Caroga Lake, NY 12032-0450
Electronic mailGeneral Information:
Customer Support: support@clcsinc.comWebmaster:
Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
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