COMMUNITY: The place we live and raise our families. It's safety, comfort, friends. It's home.
SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY: A community that is attractive to residents and businesses that creates a healthy environment, conserves energy, promotes recycling, protects natural resources, provides recreational opportunities, and plans for it's future.
LARSEN COMMUNITY ENGINEERS: For over 50 years our firm has focused on community engineering and all the related services necessary to support strong and viable communities.
Funding opportunities, news, and more...
Larsen Obtains GIGP Funds for Client Communities
Community Based Planning: A lower cost alternative
Larsen Partners with School Green Teams
Larsen Engineers is a certified MBE and DBE firm.
Branches and additional offices:
(315) 682-19094900 Edgeworth Dr Manhattan, NY 10001
(585) 383-8870111 Marsh Rd Pittsford, NY 14534-1630