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Sodium chloride is a basic chemical with wide applications in end-use industries such as medication, cosmetics, dietetic food, and cosmetic products.
Polyvinyl chloride, also known as PVC, is a commonly used thermoplastic owing to its non-reactivity, chemical stability, longevity, and light weight.
Oil and gas logistics refers to the transportation of petroleum products, extracted crude oil & gas, and drilling equipment from one place to another.
The versatility of EVA foams has already been appreciated by diverse end-use industries. The ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer has been utilized for its salient properties
Aluminum refers to a silvery white chemical element that adheres to the boron group. It comes with the symbol Al and has an atomic number of 13.
Hydrate inhibitors refer to chemical substances that help in controlling the hydrates formation process in natural gas production at gas or oil condensate well.
A variety of formulations based on polymeric chemistry have enriched the product portfolio in the industrial adhesives market.
Collagen is one of the common proteins, which have a significant role for determining physical structure of the human body.
Base metals such as aluminum, zinc, copper, and lead are processed to obtain their purest form by removal of impurities or any other metal.
From 2019 to 2027, the global allergen free food market will grow at the back of numerous trends and drivers. As per TMR, a string of opportunities will result from this growth.
From 2020 to 2030, the global probiotic yogurt market would record sturdy growth owing to moderate CAGR and various growth factors.
A recent study published by Transparency Market Research on the psyllium products market includes global industry analysis and opportunity assessment for 2020-2030.
Bacillus coagulans (B. coagulans) are gathering steam as one of the most beneficial probiotic microorganisms in the dairy and food industries.
Edible Cutlery Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Trends, Growth, and Forecasts, 2019 - 2028
Demand for natural and plant-based products is growing worldwide. And, this factor is creating attractive growth opportunities for zein protein market players.
The global dietary supplements market has been raking high CAGR around the world thanks to the demand for better nutritional value in daily diet.
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