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John Lewis
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Each driver must obey daring rule.

How to drive in the USA

Most Brits find driving in the USA easy. If you’ve not driven on the right before, this will be the biggest thing to get used to, but if you hire an American car, everything will be set up for driving on this side. When renting a car, think about where you plan to drive and the season.

Most cars in the US are automatic, so you won’t be using a gear stick like you might be used to in the UK.

Many US roads could do with some resurfacing, so watch out for potholes. Also, America has almost no roundabouts – instead people will enter traffic at junctions. Many accidents happen at junctions when drivers don't spot other cars coming into the lane, so try to slow down and make sure anyone entering traffic has seen you – the same goes for when you enter the flow.

If you want to know best car in USA. Click here

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  • +1 (808) 427-3368
  • california
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