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PHP developer vs. Java Developer: Which one to choose for web application development?
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PHP developer vs. Java Developer: Which one to choose for web application development?
Businesses constantly face a dilemma which programming language developers should they hire to complete their project successfully.

Businesses constantly face a dilemma which programming language developers should they hire to complete their project successfully. No doubt, both languages, PHP and Java, are renowned names in the industry used for web development. While some developers fiercely defend one language, others straightaway reject another.  


Therefore, we are not going to tell you which developer you should hire for web app development. We will provide points of comparison between PHP and Java and for which application they are suitable.


Let’s begin with the discussion.


PHP vs. Java: Popularity

There is an easy answer that we can derive from the data regarding the popularity of Java vs. PHP: Java is more prevalent among developers. According to trends on GitHub and Google (19,1%) and PHP (6,2%), Java is the most sought-after programming language. 


In the research conducted by CodingDojo, they found that Java was the most demanded language with the highest number of hire requests, while PHP ranked seventh.


PHP vs. Java: Speed of Coding

As Java has various threads, it allows access to information to be managed and processed quickly and efficiently. Although PHP is still the winner in the PHP vs. Java speed of coding comparison battle since its latest versions have significantly speed up the coding process, reducing memory consumption for the same reason. Therefore, if you hire a PHP developer for coding the same software, PHP would take less time than Java.


PHP vs. Java: Performance

When comparing PHP and Java performance, Java wins. PHP needs time to comply with bytecode on every request since Java is precompiled. Both Java and PHP have been optimized, but Java appears to have put more effort into it. In addition to optimizing writing, the latest versions of PHP reduce memory consumption as well. These two languages can, however, help developers create software that is highly performant and fast. 


PHP vs. Java: Easiness to Learn

Learning PHP and Java is relatively easy. Despite this, the debate over easier is still open: It depends on your previous knowledge and skills. While some feel Java's library is too deep, others argue that Java's syntax is more spartan than PHP and is more like the English language. 


When Java and PHP are used?

Both the languages are well-known. There is no better or worse; the only difference is they are more or less suitable for specific purposes. Overall, Java is utilized for more complex enterprise-level projects, while PHP is known for startups dealing with less complex projects.


Let’s see the most common usage examples of both languages.


For what purpose is PHP used?

Initially, PHP was used to develop web pages, but its scope of use is much broader now (although not as extensive as Java’s). PHP language is utilized for the following purpose.

  • Websites (MailChimp, Flickr, Yahoo, iStock Photo)
  • eCommerce apps (UberCart, ZenCart, OpenCart)
  • Scripting (automation, DevOps tools)

What Is Java Used For?

Java is a general-purpose language that is used for various tasks in the development world. You can hire Java developers for the following purposes:

  • Android Applications
  • Web application (Online forms, Google Sheets, Gmail, Shopping cart)
  • Enterprise Application (utilized by schools, charities, hospitals, banks, etc. Such enterprises are Spotify, TripAdvisor, Pinterest uses Java)
  • Web Servers (Apache HTTP Server, Rimfaxe Web Server (RWS), Resin, Adobe Jrun)

Summing It Up!!!

As we mentioned points of the comparison above, it can be clearly comprehended that both the languages PHP and Java have their own set of benefits. Whether you hire a PHP developer or Java developer, the decision is solely based on your business requirements. 

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