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BISPEX Opened Its Official Service at 9:00 on March 30th, 2020
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BISPEX is a cryptocurrency exchange based in the Republic of Seychelles and Singapore.

(April 03, 2020) Victoria, Republic of Seychelles - BISPEX, which opened its beta service on December 3rd, 2019, now opened its official service at 09:00 on March 30th, 2020 (UTC). BISPEX is focused mainly on cryptocurrency derivatives. Now the company launched its first derivatives with the perpetual swap trading. In order to secure liquidity and active trading, BISPEX will hold a 0% perpetual trading commission event for its grand opening. For more info please visit

If investors look at the current cryptocurrency market, it leaves people with a lot of sighs. In addition to the cryptocurrency market, there was a massive stock market crash that was said to be the biggest economic crisis after the Lehman Shock. In fact, there were so many new exchanges in the cryptocurrency market from the end of 2017 to the beginning of 2018 when the cryptocurrency hit its peak. With a lot of interest in cryptocurrency, there was a time when everybody with minimal technical skills thought that they could make a lot of money by establishing an exchange. However, But now, many (almost most) exchanges have disappeared, and only those exchanges that showed expertise and did their best for the convenience and profits of users survived. Obviously spot trading is also important, but how to know how much expertise exchanges have? What can be said clearly is that the exchange's understanding of finance can be considered. What come out here are derivatives. It is a reality that cryptocurrency no longer relies only on the spot trading, and many users are attracted to derivatives; that is, futures trading. In the future, it is likely that teams with high level of understanding of derivatives trading will survive. So here, BISPEX is the team to introduce today.

BISPEX is a cryptocurrency exchange based in the Republic of Seychelles and Singapore. In addition to spot trading, it offers perpetual swap trading that offers up to 100x leverage. The difference of this exchange from others is that many employees have experience in the financial industry, so they have a very high level of understanding of derivatives, and uses a state-of-the-art trading engine to monitor the trading 24 hours a day to avoid problems for the users.

"To meet the needs of users in the cryptocurrency market, stable spot trading and various derivatives are needed. BISPEX, which has a lot of financial experts, will lead the various cryptocurrency derivatives trading markets", said BISPEX CEO, Mike Kwon.

In addition, he plans to list two prominent coins sequentially in commemoration of the grand opening. BISPEX created by financial experts, we look forward to seeing its development in the cryptocurrency market.

Company name: BISPEX Exchange

Contact: CMO Patrick Chun


Telephone: +82-10-6337-3056



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